24aprAll DayNARM™ Training - PLModul 3 - NARM™ Polen

Event Details

NARM™ addresses relational and attachment trauma, working with early, unconscious patterns of loss of contact that deeply affect our identity, emotions, physiology, behavior and relationships. By integrating a psychodynamic and body-centered approach, NARM™ provides a comprehensive theoretical and clinical model for working with developmental trauma.
NARM™ explores the connection between psychological problems and the body, drawing on psychodynamic models such as attachment and object relations theory, as well as somatic and character-structural approaches. NARM™ works relationally in the present moment and in the context of interpersonal neurobiology and offers a new approach to relationship work – this is resource-oriented, non-regressive, non-cathartic and ultimately non-pathologizing.
NARM™ is based on what NARM™ calls somatic mindfulness and is influenced by a non-Western orientation to the nature of our identity. Learning how to work with these different elements simultaneously is a radical shift. It has profound clinical implications for healing complex trauma and supporting personal and relational growth.


Completed training in a psychotherapeutic or body psychotherapeutic method and at least 2 years of practical experience with regular patient or client contact.


Requirements for certification: Completion of all 4 parts of the training plus 10 individual sessions and 10 supervised sessions with NARM-certified assistants.



24. April 2024 All Day(GMT+02:00)

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