Angebot NARM-Training


The NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM™) is an advanced clinical training for experienced psychotherapists and somatologists treating developmental trauma.

Teaching methods

All modules include a combination of two complementary teaching approaches:

  • Didactic and theoretical learning: lecture, question and answer periods, class discussion, case consultation and deconstruction of live – demonstrations and demonstration videos as appropriate.
  • Experiential learning: self-exploration exercises, small group activities, role-playing, active coaching, and guided skill practice.

Supplemental learning opportunities include individual and group supervision and individual NARM™ sessions.

Angebot Supervisionstraining


I offer individual and group supervision as well as online supervision days.

The supervisions serve primarily to discuss cases; in addition, there is the opportunity to clarify fundamental questions about methodology and application.

The supervision days each deal with selected topics and are recognized as group supervision as part of the NARM™ training and the NARM™ Masterclass.

For inquiries about individual or group supervision, please use the contact form.

Any questions?

Feel free to send me a message.
Please note that I do not offer therapy or individual sessions. Please refrain from any such requests. You’ll find a list of NARM therapists here.

    Beate Leisse Portrait

    More profiles

    UTA-Academie PROFILE

    Supervision & Workshops

    PROFILE NARM™ Romania

    Trainer for NARM

    Appointment overview

    • NARM™-Training

      Poland, Romania, Portugal & France

    • Supervision days

      UTA Academy, Germany

    • Workshops

      UTA Academy, Germany


    11oktAll DayGruppensupervision für NARM™ Praktizierende

    12okt10:0014:00NARM und SpracheVertiefungsseminar zum Thema Sprache in der psychotherapeutischen Arbeit mit NARM.

    17oktAll DayGruppensupervision für NARM™ Praktizierende

    18okt17:0020:00Gruppensupervision Thema ADHS

    23oktAll DayNARM™ Training – PLModul 4 NARM™ Poland – Language: English


    02nov10:0018:00Psychotherapie bei sexuellem Missbrauch – Online-SupervisionstagFortbildung für Therapeuten*innen

    07nov18:0020:00Group supervision for assistants in NARM trainingThe course language is English.

    09novAll DayNARM™ Introductory Workshop – PTNARM™ Portugal – Language: English

    12novAll Day16NARM™ Training – ROModul 1 NARM™ Romania – Language: English


    01dezAll Day05Formation certifiante au NARM™ – Modul 1Module 1 – NARM™ France – Langue : français

    12dezAll DayGruppensupervision für NARM™ Praktizierende

    13dezAll DayGruppensupervision für NARM™ Praktizierende


    16janAll DayGruppensupervision für Assistent*innen im NARM™ Training


    07feb(feb 7)10:0009(feb 9)18:00Projektion und Gegenübertragung im therapeutischen ProzessFortbildung für Therapeut*innen


    11MärzAll Day15NARM™ Training – ROModul 2 NARM™ Romania – Language: English

    18MärzAll Day22NARM™ Training – ROModule 4 – NARM™ Romania – Language: English

    29MärzAll DayNARM™ Introductory Workshop – PTNARM™ Portugal – Language: English


    04aprAll Day08Formation certifiante au NARM™ – FRModule 2 – NARM™ France – Langue : français


    15maiAll Day19NARM™ Training – PTModul 1 NARM™ Portugal – Language: English